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Hotel Villa Orselina

Key Service: Health & Wellness
Location: Orselina, Switzerland
Product: Feasibility Study, Concept Valuation, Recruiting


The proprietor of this luxury boutique hotel overlooking Lago Maggiore in Ticino intended to re-position the hotel as a Medical Wellness Hotel in order to extend the season or allow for a year-round operation. Horwath HTL was instructed to review the proposed concept including medical centre, spa and treatment areas, and to carry out a Feasibility Study to test the economic sustainability of such a re-positioning.


We undertook an in-depth analysis of the Swiss Medical Wellness sector, thoroughly screened the competitive hotels, target markets and groups as well as market trends. In our study we provided facility recommendations and we listed potential government aids available for health projects. A profit and loss forecast based on the above completed this instruction. Lastly, we were able to procure a new General Manager for the hotel.


The new GM assumed his position in January 2017.

Project Location