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Leela Hotels – Brand Valuation

Key Service: Valuations
Location: India
Product: Brand Valuation
Office: India


Hotel Leelaventure Ltd. has been in hospitality business since the mid-1980s, owning and operating hotels under the ‘Leela’ brand. The owners were desirous of valuing the ‘Leela’ hotel brand. Horwath HTL was appointed to provide a valuation of the Leela brand, on behalf of the promoters of the luxury Leela Group of Hotels and Resorts.


Horwath HTL India carried out a valuation of the ‘Leela’ brand by assessing the potential income that can be attributed to the brand through assessments of operational profitability and management contracts.

Implementation / Current Status:

The valuation report submitted by Horwath HTL India was used as a basis for determining the value of the brand.

Project Location