Hospitality Experience

Ireland and United Kingdom Market Entry Strategy

Horwath HTL developed a detailed market entry strategy for a client planning to expand their hospitality operations into the UK and Ireland. This project required a granular understanding of market dynamics, target demographics, and regulatory environments to ensure a successful entry into these highly competitive markets.

Project Scope

Horwath HTL developed a detailed market entry strategy for a client planning to expand their hospitality operations into the UK and Ireland. This project required a granular understanding of market dynamics, target demographics, and regulatory environments to ensure a successful entry into these highly competitive markets.

The scope of work included extensive market research. The focus was on the on the upper upscale and luxury hotel markets, not only locally, but with an eye on the key trends in the international gateway cities. After a thorough analysis that examined the key brand components and market perceptions, we were able to make concrete recommendations to improve the commercial positioning of the client’s brand family its competitive landscape. The recommendations ensured coherent and sequential branding that would encourage brand loyalty, reflecting the differing client priorities as they progressed through various life stages.

The first phase involved an analysis of tourism and hospitality trends in the region. Key demand drivers identified included a robust corporate travel market, a growing interest in leisure tourism, and the popularity of city-center and regional boutique accommodations. We highlighted underserved markets in secondary cities with significant growth potential, balancing high-traffic areas like London and Dublin with emerging destinations.

Our strategy recommended a phased approach to market entry, focusing on partnerships with local operators and brands to ensure rapid adaptation to local preferences. Site selection criteria were developed to prioritize locations with strong demand generators such as business districts, cultural landmarks, and transportation hubs.

Operational considerations were also addressed, including compliance with local labor laws, licensing requirements, and property-specific challenges such as historic building preservation. We also outlined strategies for staffing, supply chain integration, and branding that aligned with regional consumer expectations.

The final market entry strategy provided a roadmap for the client to establish a strong foothold in the UK and Ireland, blending strategic site selection, operational preparedness, and targeted branding to capture market share effectively.

Strategy and Planning

Project Location

United Kingdom, Ireland