
Redefining Hospitality: Pop-Up Hotels as Visionary Concepts for Gen Z Travelers

August 2024

In recent years, the hospitality industry has adapted to various influences arising from digitalization and technological advancements. This adaptation is driven primarily by Generation Z.

Generation Z’s Preferences

As the first generation that grew up in a completely digital world, Generation Z travelers value digital experiences, individualization, and sustainability. This paradigm shift has encouraged hoteliers to rethink their traditional concepts and develop innovative approaches to appeal to the future target group and remain successful in the market.

From a sociological perspective, Generation Z (also known as Gen Z) – those born between 1996 and 2012 – also known as Zoomers or digital natives, describes the generation that was the first to grow up completely in the digital age and, unlike Generation Y, no longer knows a world without smartphones and permanent networking. Gen Z is characterized by a merging of the real and digital worlds, a high pace of communication, permanent accessibility, and a high level of trust in digital recommendations, ratings and rankings. The central medium is the smartphone, which is used both as a communication and work tool. Intelligent solutions, time-saving processes, and intuitive systems are required to make the best use of their time. Personalized experiences are preferred over material possessions.