Chelsea Wong

Senior Consultant, Singapore

Chelsea Wong brings over a decade of experience in the hospitality consulting industry to her role as Senior Consultant at Horwath HTL's Singapore office.


Chelsea Wong is a Senior Consultant at Horwath HTL Singapore, bringing over a decade of experience in the hospitality consulting industry. Her expertise lies in market and financial feasibility studies, renovation and repositioning projects, operator selection, benchmarking, and destination development.

Since 2014, Chelsea has successfully led numerous consulting projects across dynamic markets, particularly in China and Southeast Asia. Her deep understanding of the hotel industry, combined with her hands-on experience in hotel operations and management, enables her to deliver insightful and practical solutions tailored to the unique needs of her clients. Her three years in hotel operations before transitioning to consultancy have provided her with a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the sector.

Chelsea’s passion for the hospitality industry is matched by her academic achievements. She graduated with first-class honours in Hotel and Tourism Management from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010, reflecting her dedication to excellence from the outset of her career.

Chelsea continues to leverage her expertise and enthusiasm for the hospitality industry to drive successful outcomes for clients, positioning herself as a trusted advisor in the region’s ever-evolving tourism landscape.

Expert insights

Cutting edge analysis.




Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

アジア太平洋地域のホテルの持続可能性動向 2022年

Greenview と Horwath HTL は、7 年連続で発行している年次報告書「アジア太平洋サステナビリティ・トレンド 2022(Asia Pacific Sustainability Trends 2022)」を発表する。本レポートは、2022年に実施されたホーワスHTLのアジア太平洋ホテル業界調査の結果をまとめたものである。 今年のレポートでは、15カ国の合計2,586のホテルが参加し、サステナビリティ慣行への取り組みに関する情報と、2021暦年のユーティリティデータを提供した。データは2019年のベースラインと比較され、パンデミック前後の国別、サービスタイプ別のエネルギーと水の消費量とコストの平均的な変化についての洞察を提供している。さらに、ホテルが実施している持続可能性の実践についても分析し、国レベルでの実施状況を把握した。継続的な認知度の向上と世界的なソリューションの拡大は、この地域における更なる発展を可能にします。本レポートの結果は、コーネル・ホテル・サステナビリティ・ベンチマーク調査、グリーン・ロッジング・トレンド・レポート、グリーンビュー・ホテル・フットプリンティング・ツールといった、ホテル経営者が各ホテルのサステナビリティの現状を把握するための、業界全体で公開されているイニシアティブに貢献するものです。Horwath HTLが毎年実施しているホテル業界調査の名誉諮問委員会の皆様、およびご協力いただいている各国のホテル協会の皆様のご参加と力強いご支援に感謝申し上げます。

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Fixing the Three-Meal Outlet

Classic All Day Dining restaurants struggle to compete with high-quality independent venues, in most cities. ADD outlets tend to be oversized, to accommodate breakfast demand, and lack compelling concepts. This results in underutilization and low average spend, compared to specialty and independent restaurants. The current approach is commercially unappealing and wastes an opportunity for the hotel to engage with the local community and develop its reputation. Horwath HTL and EDG Design have worked together to analyse ADD performance numbers across key markets in APAC, to understand and address this dynamic and drive more strategic F&B decision-making for these restaurants.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore



Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore


グリーンビューとHorwath HTLが作成した「アジア太平洋サステナビリティ・トレンド2019」レポートは、アジア太平洋地域13カ国のホテル業界におけるサステナビリティ実践の詳細な概要を提供している。2,453軒のホテルのデータを掲載した本レポートは、エネルギーと水の使用量、コスト管理、持続可能性慣行の採用における同地域の進展に関する洞察を提供している。

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Bohol Resort Market, Philippines

Perennially popular for its Chocolate Hills and tarsier sanctuary, today Bohol has raised its profile internationally as an inimitable ecotourism destination. Recent tourism boom is propelled by the opening of new Bohol International Airport, infrastructure developments, and government’s continuous tourism promotion. Unique from other destinations, Bohol offers a myriad of attractions from landscape to seascape. Advantageous to Boracay, it boasts more than white sand beaches and is home to one of the world’s best diving sites. Every year Bohol Marine Triangle attracts avid divers with rich marine biodiversity. Unsurprisingly, Bohol has also caught the attention of investors for hotel and leisure developments. Unlike other commercialised resort destinations, Panglao exudes an idyllic charm and authentic hospitality from the local communities appealing to travellers who prefer tranquillity and quietness. As tourism accounts for 90 percent of Bohol’s industry, the critical question on the outlook of Bohol tourism is: “Amidst of rapid tourism growth, will Bohol be able to manage the dichotomy of sustainable tourism to maintain its positioning as a première ecotourism destination whilst being cautious of the environment degradation resulting from construction and tourist influx?”