
Welcome to Singapore

Horwath HTL – Pacific Asia was established in 1987 as the regional firm representing Horwath HTL. Offices are located in Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Bali. We advise a wide range of clients (from individually held businesses to the world's most prominent hotels, developers, financiers, syndicators and industrial corporations) on conceptualizing, planning, developing, financing, managing, operating and marketing hotel and tourism related projects.



15 Scotts Road,
#08-10/11 Thong Teck Building
Singapore 228218



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2021 年亚太地区酒店可持续发展趋势

2021 年亚太地区可持续发展趋势》报告深入探讨了亚太地区 15 个国家酒店业的可持续发展实践。这份第六次年度报告根据 2,356 家酒店提供的数据编制而成,研究了能源和水使用的演变、成本趋势以及可持续发展措施的采用情况,尤其是在 COVID-19 大流行的背景下。

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

2022 年亚太地区酒店可持续发展趋势

Greenview 和 Horwath HTL 欣然发布《2022 年亚太地区可持续发展态势》年度报 告,这已是该报告连续第七年发布。本报告介绍了 2022 年 Horwath HTL 亚太地区酒店业调查的结果。 今年的报告共有 15 个国家的 2,586 家酒店参与,提供了他们在可持续发展实践方面的信息以及 2021 日历年的公用事业数据。这些数据与 2019 年的基线数据进行了比较,以深入了解大流行前后各国和各服务类型在能源和水消耗以及成本方面的平均变化。此外,还对酒店采取的可持续发展做法进行了分析,以了解国家层面的实施情况。在全球范围内不断传播意识和推广解决方案,将推动该地区的进一步发展。我们很荣幸能够支持业界为制定可持续发展的最佳实践基准所做的努力,本报告的结果将为酒店经营者了解其酒店的可持续发展状况提供公开的全行业倡议:康奈尔酒店可持续发展基准研究、绿色住宿趋势报告和 Greenview 酒店足迹工具。我们衷心感谢 Horwath HTL 年度酒店业调查荣誉顾问委员会以及支持调查的国家酒店协会的参与和大力支持。

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Fixing the Three-Meal Outlet

Classic All Day Dining restaurants struggle to compete with high-quality independent venues, in most cities. ADD outlets tend to be oversized, to accommodate breakfast demand, and lack compelling concepts. This results in underutilization and low average spend, compared to specialty and independent restaurants. The current approach is commercially unappealing and wastes an opportunity for the hotel to engage with the local community and develop its reputation. Horwath HTL and EDG Design have worked together to analyse ADD performance numbers across key markets in APAC, to understand and address this dynamic and drive more strategic F&B decision-making for these restaurants.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

2020 年亚太地区酒店可持续发展趋势

2020 年亚太地区可持续发展趋势》报告详细分析了亚太地区 16 个国家酒店业的可持续发展实践。尽管 COVID-19 大流行带来了挑战,但该报告反映了酒店运营各方面为改善可持续发展所做的不懈努力,包括能源使用、节水和采用环保做法。

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

2019 年亚太地区酒店可持续发展趋势

由 Greenview 和 Horwath HTL 编制的《2019 年亚太地区可持续发展趋势》报告详细概述了亚太地区 13 个国家酒店业的可持续发展实践。该报告利用来自 2,453 家酒店的数据,深入分析了亚太地区在能源和水资源使用、成本管理以及采用可持续发展实践方面的进展。

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Bohol Resort Market, Philippines

Perennially popular for its Chocolate Hills and tarsier sanctuary, today Bohol has raised its profile internationally as an inimitable ecotourism destination. Recent tourism boom is propelled by the opening of new Bohol International Airport, infrastructure developments, and government’s continuous tourism promotion. Unique from other destinations, Bohol offers a myriad of attractions from landscape to seascape. Advantageous to Boracay, it boasts more than white sand beaches and is home to one of the world’s best diving sites. Every year Bohol Marine Triangle attracts avid divers with rich marine biodiversity. Unsurprisingly, Bohol has also caught the attention of investors for hotel and leisure developments. Unlike other commercialised resort destinations, Panglao exudes an idyllic charm and authentic hospitality from the local communities appealing to travellers who prefer tranquillity and quietness. As tourism accounts for 90 percent of Bohol’s industry, the critical question on the outlook of Bohol tourism is: “Amidst of rapid tourism growth, will Bohol be able to manage the dichotomy of sustainable tourism to maintain its positioning as a première ecotourism destination whilst being cautious of the environment degradation resulting from construction and tourist influx?”