Tourism Experience
Tourism Initiative for Terra Fria Transmontana Route
Horwath HTL Portugal were commissioned to provide technical advice for revitalising the Terra Fria Transmontana Route, a tourism initiative designed to harness the unique attributes of this region while building on the foundations established by the PROVERE programme. The project aimed to restructure the route with a focus on sustainability, commercial viability, and the promotion of Nature Tourism, ensuring its appeal to a broader audience.
The project sought to actively involve local tourism agents, encouraging their participation and accountability in the creation and distribution of a new tourism product. By promoting this co-operation and integration, the project aims to generate new opportunities for regional development, stimulating economic growth and strengthening local identity.
Project Scope
The process began with a thorough evaluation of the existing structure and offerings of the Terra Fria Transmontana Route. This included an assessment of its natural and cultural assets, infrastructure, and current visitor experience. We also examined market trends in Nature Tourism and analysed the route’s position within both regional and national tourism contexts.
Building on this analysis, the project focused on reimagining the route to enhance its attractiveness and accessibility. This involved designing thematic itineraries that highlighted the region’s unique landscapes, biodiversity, and traditional culture. These itineraries were complemented by recommendations for upgrading infrastructure, such as signage, visitor centres, and eco-friendly accommodations, to improve the overall experience while ensuring minimal environmental impact.
A key element of the project was creating a sustainable management model that encouraged collaboration among local stakeholders, including municipalities, tourism operators, and community organisations. Strategies were developed to enhance the marketing and branding of the route, with a strong emphasis on digital tools and partnerships to increase visibility and attract targeted visitor segments.
The final recommendations provided a practical framework for revitalising the Terra Fria Transmontana Route. By aligning the route with Nature Tourism trends and prioritising sustainability, the project laid the groundwork for long-term growth, supporting local communities and showcasing the unique natural and cultural heritage of Terra Fria Transmontana.
Project Location
Bragança , Portugal