Hospitality Experience

Rwanda Tourism and Hospitality Market Analysis Study

The tourism and hospitality market analysis for Rwanda aimed to document the trends in travel and tourism to Rwanda and demand for accommodation in Rwanda.

Project Scope

Horwath HTL was commissioned to undertake a comprehensive tourism and hospitality market analysis for Rwanda, documenting trends in travel, tourism, and accommodation demand. Recognizing tourism as a transformative economic catalyst, the Rwandan Government, in collaboration with our Client, sought to gain a deep understanding of the sector’s dynamics and potential.

The study examined travel patterns, tourism inflows, and the evolving profile of visitors to Rwanda. It assessed the country’s competitive positioning in the global tourism market, identifying key demand drivers such as eco-tourism, adventure travel, and business tourism. Additionally, the analysis included a review of existing accommodation supply, evaluating its alignment with the needs of both domestic and international travelers, and identifying gaps and opportunities for new developments.

Economic and policy factors influencing the sector, such as investment incentives, infrastructure development, and the impact of government-led initiatives like Visit Rwanda, were also explored. The study’s insights provided a basis for understanding the status quo, while identifying strategies to further unlock economic opportunities presented by Rwanda’s growing tourism and hospitality industry.

This market analysis equipped stakeholders with actionable data and recommendations to enhance Rwanda’s appeal as a destination, support sustainable tourism development, and drive investment in the hospitality sector. The findings served as a roadmap for leveraging tourism as a key driver of economic growth and societal transformation.

Strategy and Planning

Project Location


South Africa Office

South Africa office
