Hospitality Experience

Residual Land Value Study on Koh Samui

Horwath HTL was engaged to conduct a Residual Land Value (RLV) Study for a development site on Koh Samui, Thailand. The objective was to provide an accurate valuation of the land, factoring in potential development opportunities and associated financial returns

Project Scope

Horwath HTL was engaged to conduct a Residual Land Value (RLV) Study for a development site on Koh Samui, Thailand. The objective was to provide an accurate valuation of the land, factoring in potential development opportunities and associated financial returns. This study served as a critical tool for informed decision-making by the client, particularly in determining the land’s optimal use and its value within the local market context.

The study began with a comprehensive market analysis to evaluate existing trends in Koh Samui’s real estate and tourism sectors. We assessed demand for various property types, including residential, hospitality, and mixed-use developments, while also analysing supply dynamics and competitive benchmarks across the island.

Using a detailed development appraisal model, we calculated the Residual Land Value by estimating the potential revenue from various development scenarios, deducting all associated costs, such as construction, financing, and operational expenses. Scenarios included high-end resort developments, luxury residential projects, and mixed-use schemes, each tailored to Koh Samui’s unique market characteristics and positioning as a high-value tourism destination.

Our analysis considered key variables such as zoning regulations, environmental constraints, and infrastructure availability, ensuring the RLV estimation was both realistic and aligned with local planning guidelines. Recommendations were also provided to optimise the site’s potential while mitigating risks associated with market fluctuations or regulatory changes.

The resulting RLV study provided the client with a clear, data-driven understanding of the land’s value under different development scenarios. This enabled them to make strategic decisions about investment priorities and project feasibility, ultimately contributing to the sustainable and profitable use of the property. Horwath HTL’s expertise ensured the study was robust, market-focused, and tailored to Koh Samui’s dynamic real estate environment.

Strategy and Planning