Hospitality Experience

Market Study for Integrated Resort Complex in Fiji

The assessment provided a comprehensive market study for the integrated hotel complex in Suva, Fiji, evaluating the project's potential demand, competitive positioning, financial viability, and operational feasibility.

Project Scope

Horwath HTL conducted a comprehensive market study for a proposed integrated resort complex in Suva, Fiji, focusing on evaluating the project’s potential demand, competitive positioning, financial viability, and operational feasibility. This study provided actionable insights to support the development and strategic planning of the complex.

The assessment began with an analysis of Fiji’s tourism and economic landscape, specifically examining Suva’s unique position as a commercial and cultural hub. Factors such as international and domestic tourism trends, Suva’s connectivity, and potential demand drivers—including corporate travel, government activity, and cultural tourism—were evaluated to determine the viability of the project.

A detailed competitive analysis was undertaken to assess existing and planned hospitality offerings in Suva and other regions of Fiji. The study identified gaps in the market and opportunities for the integrated resort to differentiate itself through its proposed amenities, target audience, and service offerings.

The project’s potential demand was forecasted, segmenting key markets such as leisure travellers, business tourists, and event-driven visitors. This analysis also included seasonality considerations and anticipated performance benchmarks based on regional and global trends.

Financial viability was assessed through revenue projections, cost modelling, and a return on investment analysis. Operational feasibility was also evaluated, with recommendations provided for optimising staffing, supply chain logistics, and sustainability practices tailored to Fiji’s unique geographic and environmental conditions.

The study concluded with strategic recommendations for positioning the integrated resort complex as a landmark destination in Suva. Emphasis was placed on leveraging Fiji’s natural beauty, cultural heritage, and Suva’s urban appeal to attract a diverse clientele. This market study equipped stakeholders with the necessary insights to make informed decisions and ensure the project’s success in Fiji’s competitive and dynamic hospitality sector.

Strategy and Planning