Branislav Miletić
Managing Director, Belgrade, Serbia
Branislav Miletić possesses considerable experience in the field of tourism marketing, with a particular focus on the formulation of strategic and operational marketing plans for tourism destinations.
His expertise also encompasses the execution of strategic studies concerning shifts in institutional and legal frameworks, in addition to the formulation of comprehensive destination development plans. He is particularly adept at managing complex market feasibility studies, project development, research studies and economic impact analyses, all of which are designed to promote sustainable growth and development in the tourism sector.
Prior to joining Horwath HTL, Branislav held a senior position at the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and the National Tourism Development Corporation, acting as a special adviser to the State Secretary for Tourism. In this role, he provided support for the implementation of tourism policies, with a particular focus on infrastructure and destination competitiveness. His role also entailed collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ), and European Union-funded programmes to define and execute various projects.
His extensive experience encompasses a range of areas, including tourism development policy, destination development, strategic and master planning, the creation of highest and best use concepts, market and financial feasibility studies, and the development and marketing of strategies. Additionally, he has contributed to the formulation of public policy and was a co-author of the concept and development of candidate files for the specialised exhibition EXPOBELGRADE 2027.
He holds a Master's-equivalent degree in Economic Sciences, with a specialisation in International Economics and Foreign Trade, from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics.