Apoyo operativo
Lo que se mide, se mejora. Empieza a medir.
Te mostramos las normas y te ayudamos a superarlas.
Pasos audaces hacia adelante
Ayudamos a clientes ambiciosos a conseguir resultados extraordinarios.
5-Star Hotel Repositioning Review
Valkenburg / Maastricht, Países Bajos
Alentejo Tourism Repositioning Plan
Alentejo, Portugal
Análisis de costes de reposicionamiento de FF&E para un Hotel de cuatro estrellas
Valladolid, España
Análisis del contrato de alquiler de un hotel de servicios limitados
Barcelona, España
Asset Management for Delta Hotels by Marriott
Offenbach am Main, Alemania
Asset Management for Family and Conference Resort
Lake Balaton, Hungría
Asset Management for Independent Hotel
Asset Management of Mr. C, Coconut Grove
Miami, EE.UU.
Deja que te ayudemos a triunfar
Sea cual sea tu enfoque, tenemos la experiencia.
Asset Management
Asset Repositioning, Management Model Strategy (HMA vs Lease vs Franchise), Ongoing Asset Management Services, Operational Review / Audit, Owner Support in Budget Negotiations, Pre-Opening Services, Strategic FF&E Capex Planning, Strategic Opportunity Sourcing and Assessment
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Business Interruption Claims, Expert Valuation Testimony, Management & Franchise Issues, Market Concentration, Premises Liability, Public Liability, Real Estate Tax Assessment, Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals, Safety & Security, Standards of Operations, Wrongful Death, Wrongful Termination
Data Analytics, KPI Analysis & Benchmarking, Performance Management Implementation, Recruitment, Talent Strategy, USALI implementation
Technology & Digitalisation
Digital Transformation Strategy
Institutional Support
Investment promotion, NTO / RMO / DMO / convention bureau advisory & coaching, Short-term rental accommodation, Tourism and digital statistics, Tourism regulation and legislation
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Market Concentration
Data Analytics, KPI Analysis & Benchmarking
Technology & Digitalisation
AI in Tourism, Digital Transformation Strategy, E-Governance Portals for Tourism, E-Statistics for Tourism, Tourism Data Hubs and Platforms, Tourism Marketing Automation
Asset Management
Asset Repositioning, Management Model Strategy (HMA vs Lease vs Franchise), Ongoing Asset Management Services, Operational Review / Audit, Owner Support in Budget Negotiations, Pre-Opening Services, Strategic FF&E Capex Planning, Strategic Opportunity Sourcing and Assessment
Institutional Support
Tourism flow managment, UNESCO Site Impacts Assessment and Flow Managment
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Business Interruption Claims, Expert Valuation Testimony, Management & Franchise Issues, Market Concentration, Premises Liability, Public Liability, Real Estate Tax Assessment, Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals, Safety & Security, Standards of Operations, Theme Park Liability, Theme Park Management & Franchise Issues, Theme Park Premises Liability, Theme Park Safety & Security, Theme Park Standards of Operations, Theme Park Wrongful Termination, Wrongful Death, Wrongful Termination
Data Analytics, KPI Analysis & Benchmarking, Performance Management Implementation, Recruitment, Talent Strategy, Theme Park Flow Managment, Theme Park Ticketing Solutions, USALI implementation
Technology & Digitalisation
Digital Transformation Strategy
Asset Management
Asset Repositioning, Management Model Strategy (HMA vs Lease vs Franchise), Ongoing Asset Management Services, Operational Review / Audit, Owner Support in Budget Negotiations, Pre-Opening Services, Strategic FF&E Capex Planning, Strategic Opportunity Sourcing and Assessment
Institutional Support
Tourism flow managment, UNESCO Site Impacts Assessment and Flow Managment
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Business Interruption Claims, Expert Valuation Testimony, Management & Franchise Issues, Premises Liability, Public Liability, Real Estate Tax Assessment, Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals, Safety & Security, Standards of Operations, Wrongful Death, Wrongful Termination
Data Analytics, KPI Analysis & Benchmarking, Performance Management Implementation, Recruitment, Talent Strategy, USALI implementation
Technology & Digitalisation
Digital Transformation Strategy
Asset Management
Asset Repositioning, Management Model Strategy (HMA vs Lease vs Franchise), Ongoing Asset Management Services, Operational Review / Audit, Owner Support in Budget Negotiations, Pre-Opening Services, Strategic FF&E Capex Planning, Strategic Opportunity Sourcing and Assessment
Institutional Support
Tourism flow managment, UNESCO Site Impacts Assessment and Flow Managment
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Business Interruption Claims, Expert Valuation Testimony, Management & Franchise Issues, Premises Liability, Public Liability, Real Estate Tax Assessment, Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals, Safety & Security, Standards of Operations, Wrongful Death, Wrongful Termination
Data Analytics, KPI Analysis & Benchmarking, Performance Management Implementation, Recruitment, Talent Strategy, USALI implementation
Technology & Digitalisation
Digital Transformation Strategy
Institutional Support
Investment promotion, NTO / RMO / DMO / convention bureau advisory & coaching, Short-term rental accommodation, Tourism and digital statistics, Tourism regulation and legislation
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Market Concentration
Data Analytics, KPI Analysis & Benchmarking
Technology & Digitalisation
AI in Tourism, Digital Transformation Strategy, E-Governance Portals for Tourism, E-Statistics for Tourism, Tourism Data Hubs and Platforms, Tourism Marketing Automation
Soluciones creativas
Claridad en un mundo complicado.
Crecimiento, Ventas y Marketing
Logra más con lo que ya tienes.
Dirige tu atención y tus recursos al lugar adecuado.
Apoyo operativo
Lo que se mide se hace, así que empieza a medir. Te mostramos las normas y te ayudamos a superarlas.
Estrategia y planificación
Es normal que sea difícil identificar el camino adecuado. Conocemos los pasos necesarios, permítenos ayudarte a alcanzar el éxito.
Sostenibilidad y rendimiento financiero van de la mano. Protege el futuro de tus activos.
Opiniones de expertos
Análisis de vanguardia.
Ireland Annual Hotel Industry Survey 2022
Crowe/Horwath HTL Ireland recently released the 26th Annual Hotel Industry Survey – a survey of the Pandemic Era, 2020 and 2021. Across 2020 and 2021, the hotel sector in Ireland recorded a massive loss in revenue due to the Government restrictions imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19, including periods of business closure, travel restrictions and social distancing as well as the reduction in worldwide travel. Revenue fell by 65% in 2020 and 49% in 2021 against 2019 levels. The extremely low occupancy levels of 29.6% in 2020 and 39.5% in 2021, compared to 73.8% in 2019, further confirm the unprecedented impact that the pandemic had on business levels in comparison to a normal year of trading. The cumulative impact of supports from the Government was to convert the sector from loss-making to profitable at EBITDAR level. These supports included a reduction in VAT to 9%, payroll support schemes (TWSS and EWSS), the COVID Response Support Scheme (CRSS) and other grants and cost waivers. However, the levels of EBITDAR profits for 2020 and 2021 were still down 82% and 42% respectively on 2019 levels.compared to 2019, reflecting the unprecedented challenges faced by the industry.

La planificación lo es todo; el plan no es nada.
El ex presidente estadounidense Dwight Eisenhower afirmó célebremente: «Los planes no valen nada, pero la planificación lo es todo». Esta perspectiva tiene una gran relevancia para la industria hotelera, especialmente en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, que ha subrayado la necesidad de una planificación adaptable y estratégica.

Digital bodyguard in Hotel Asset Management
In the rapidly evolving landscape of digitalization, the hospitality industry faces significant challenges in safeguarding valuable data and maintaining robust cyber security. The concept of a ‘Digital Bodyguard’ is introduced to address these challenges, emphasizing the crucial role of cyber security as part of hotel asset management.

Benelux HOSTA Report 2023
The Netherlands’ hotel market remains a robust asset class, demonstrating resilience despite economic challenges. The sector’s performance, as tracked by key indicators like Occupancy (Occ), Average Daily Rate (ADR), and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR), shows positive trends since the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact in 2020. The market’s recovery is driven by strong domestic and international demand, and strategic adaptations by hoteliers.