Irene Santos

Assessor, Madrid, Spain

Irene Santos és consultora experimentada a Horwath HTL Espanya, especialitzada en planificació i desenvolupament hoteler, així com en valoracions.


Des que es va unir a Horwath HTL Espanya el setembre de 2020, Irene ha estat fonamental en la realització d'estudis integrals de viabilitat hotelera i en la prestació de serveis de consultoria estratègica, que donen suport al desenvolupament de nous projectes hotelers. Irene té un paper fonamental en l'assessorament als clients en la cerca i selecció d'operadors hotelers i inversors, aprofitant el seu ampli coneixement del sector.

La seva experiència abasta una anàlisi profunda dels aspectes operatius i financers dels actius hotelers, que aplica hàbilment en els seus serveis de valoració hotelera. La trajectòria professional d'Irene està fermament arrelada a la indústria hotelera, on va adquirir una inestimable experiència operativa amb cadenes hoteleres internacionals de renom com The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company i Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group. Aquesta rica formació, juntament amb la seva formació especialitzada, li permet oferir idees i estratègies úniques adaptades a les diverses necessitats dels participants del mercat.

Irene Santos és llicenciada bilingüe en Direcció i Administració d'Empreses, amb especialització en Estratègia i Organització, per la prestigiosa Universitat Carlos III de Madrid. A més, va realitzar un postgrau en Direcció d'Operacions Hoteleres a l'Hotel Institute Montreux. Les seves credencials acadèmiques es veuen reforçades per dos certificats internacionals de la Universitat de Cornell en Inversions Immobiliàries Hoteleres i Gestió d'Actius i Planificació i Disseny Hoteler.

Amb la seva àmplia formació i educació, Irene està ben posicionada com a assessora clau en el sector de l'hostaleria, oferint orientació experta i solucions estratègiques als seus clients.

Les idees d'Irene

Anàlisi d'avantguarda.


Spain Hotels and Chains Report 2024

The Spain Hotel & Chains Report 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends, developments, and key statistics shaping the Spanish hotel market. As one of the leading tourism destinations globally, Spain continues to experience robust growth in its hospitality sector, driven by strong investment, evolving consumer preferences, and the expansion of both domestic and international hotel brands.

Philip Bacon
Philip Bacon
Director Sènior, Spain

Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2023

The Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the Spanish hotel industry, highlighting the sector’s recovery post-pandemic and the ongoing expansion of hotel chains across the country. The report delves into key trends, market dynamics, and investment activities shaping Spain’s hospitality landscape.

Philip Bacon
Philip Bacon
Director Sènior, Spain

Portugal Hotel & Chains Report 2022

As we move past the pandemic, hotels have been experiencing a sharp upturn in performance, almost reaching 2019 levels. The march and rise of the brands and branded hotels seem inevitable however. The question remains; however, how many brands is too many and how good are we as an industry at explaining to the clients what each stands for? Portugal’s potential as a global tourist destination is now clear to all, and proof of this is found in an improvement in tourism statistics, which in turn translates into greater interest from international investors. International branded hotel supply is increasingly significant, far outstripping the national offer and showing a need for greater diversification by local chains.

Philip Bacon
Philip Bacon
Director Sènior, Spain

Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2022

The 2022 edition of the “Spain Hotels & Chains Report” provides a detailed analysis of the Spanish hotel industry, highlighting its strong recovery post-pandemic and the evolving dynamics within the market. This report captures the state of the hospitality sector, focusing on the growth of hotel chains, the emergence of new brands, and the changing landscape of hotel investments.

Philip Bacon
Philip Bacon
Director Sènior, Spain

Portugal Hotels & Chains Report 2021

A very warm welcome to this latest country edition of the Hotels & Chains report which provides a snapshot of a fascinating moment in hospitality. Will we see the direction of the industry change forever? When we wrote the last edition, we had no idea that global events would cause such chaos in a market that had seen unprecedented success in 2019. Needless to say, the events of the last 20 months have thrown the ownership and performance of the hotel industry into sharp focus, exacerbating friction between owners and operators, putting pressure on lenders, making development debt something of a mirage and laying waste to the best-laid plans of many giants in the industry. International hotel chains and brands have turned their attention to Portugal focusing primarily on Lisbon and Porto as the main urban destinations. The pipeline is almost exclusively centred on 4* and 5* hotels improving the overall positioning of the country’s hotel supply.

Philip Bacon
Philip Bacon
Director Sènior, Spain

Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2021

The 2021 edition of the “Spain Hotels & Chains Report” provides a comprehensive overview of the Spanish hotel industry, highlighting the significant changes and challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report examines the evolving landscape of hotel chains in Spain, focusing on market recovery, brand penetration, and the shifting dynamics of the sector.

Philip Bacon
Philip Bacon
Director Sènior, Spain