About Brigitte T. Gruber, MBA
Managing Partner
Herbeckstraße 19/2
A-1180 Vienna
+43 1 92 48 186
+43 664 141 1062
Brigitte T. Gruber has been working successfully with her team Reburg & Partners in tourism projects across Austria and abroad, supporting hotels in developing new strategies to optimize revenues and increase profits. To expand and deepen the range of services to our industry in 2020, we envisaged a merger with an international consultant. Through the cooperation with Horwath HTL, we can now cover all areas of hotel and tourism consulting. The entire team of Horwath HTL DACH in Zurich, Frankfurt and Vienna will support you. Before working as an independent management consultant, Brigitte T. Gruber held key positions at Hilton Hotels, Kempinski Hotels, Corinthia Hotels and ANA Hotels in Vienna, Budapest, Düsseldorf, St. Petersburg and New York City. Brigitte is a lecturer at Modul University Vienna, a member of the Advisory Board of Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Europe and a Cornell Society member. In 2016 she established with her partners, HAM Hotels Asset Management Vienna and Michaeler und Partner, the "IHIDC" – International Hotel Investment and Design Conference in Vienna. The conference became the leading annual meeting point for the hotel industry in CEE. The event's content focuses on current trends and the impact of design, architecture and branding on the value of hotel real estate. Industry networking is a vital component of the conference. She has a Master's degree in Intra- und Entrepreneurship, a Cetification in Hotel Real Estate Investments and Asset Management of the Cornell University und a Certificate in Hotel Revenue Management from HSMAI