Саветодавни подаци о трансакцијама
Када постоји договор који треба имати, хајде да се то уради
Конкуренција је жестока и можда ћете имати само једну шансу. Уверите се да имате чињенице и прави тим са собом.
Храбри кораци напред
Помажемо амбициозним клијентима да постигну изванредне резултате.
Дозволите нам да вам помогнемо да успете
Без обзира на ваш фокус, имамо стручност.
Capital Markets Sourcing
Commercial Due Diligence, Debt/Equity Financing, Financial Due Diligence, Listing Support, Pre-Mortgage review, Target Selection
Asset Financing, Buy-side Advisory, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures, Management Buyout Support, Sell-side Advisory, Single Asset and Portfolio Valuations
Destination Investment Advisory
Infrastructure Investment Planning, Investment Incentives Model Formation, Investment Projects Portfolio Creation, Investment Promotion Strategy, Investment Scoping
Asset Financing, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures
Capital Markets Sourcing
Commercial Due Diligence, Debt/Equity Financing, Financial Due Diligence, Listing Support, Pre-Mortgage review, Target Selection
Asset Financing, Buy-side Advisory, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures, Management Buyout Support, Sell-side Advisory, Single Asset and Portfolio Valuations
Capital Markets Sourcing
Commercial Due Diligence, Debt/Equity Financing, Financial Due Diligence, Listing Support, Pre-Mortgage review, Target Selection
Asset Financing, Buy-side Advisory, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures, Management Buyout Support, Sell-side Advisory, Single Asset and Portfolio Valuations
Capital Markets Sourcing
Commercial Due Diligence, Debt/Equity Financing, Financial Due Diligence, Listing Support, Pre-Mortgage review, Target Selection
Asset Financing, Buy-side Advisory, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures, Management Buyout Support, Sell-side Advisory, Single Asset and Portfolio Valuations
Destination Investment Advisory
Infrastructure Investment Planning, Investment Incentives Model Formation, Investment Projects Portfolio Creation, Investment Promotion Strategy, Investment Scoping
Asset Financing, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures
Capital Markets Sourcing
Commercial Due Diligence, Debt/Equity Financing, Financial Due Diligence, Listing Support, Pre-Mortgage review, Target Selection
Asset Financing, Buy-side Advisory, Deal Structuring, Joint Ventures, Management Buyout Support, Sell-side Advisory, Single Asset and Portfolio Valuations
Креативна решења
Јасноћа у компликованом свету.
Стратегија и планирање
Може бити тешко знати који је прави потез. Разумемо пут који је пред нама, дозволите нам да вам помогнемо да успете.
Раст , продаја и маркетинг
Учините више са оним што имате. Ставите свој фокус и ресурсе на право место.
Оперативна подршка
Оно што се мери се уради, па почните да мерите. Показујемо вам стандарде, а затим вам помажемо да их разбијете.
Саветодавни подаци о трансакцијама
Када постоји договор да се уради, можете имати само једну шансу. Хајде да то исправимо.
Стручни увиди
Најсавременија анализа.
Madrid Luxury Hotel Market: Re-drawing the Map
Madrid’s hotel market is undergoing a significant transformation, particularly in the luxury segment. The city’s international visitor numbers now make up nearly half of the total tourists, leading to a surge in upscale and luxury hotel openings.

Kuala Lumpur: Top-Tier Hotel Market
Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia’s main economic and business centre, houses the largest number of upper-upscale and luxury hotels in the country. The city, a hub for finance, insurance, real estate, and the arts, continues to expand with its Greater KL region contributing significantly to Malaysia’s economy.

Australia Key City Hotel Market Outlook, June 2023
As of June 2023, Australia’s GDP growth is forecasted to slow to 0.9% in FY 2023-24, down from 3.1% in FY 2022-23. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to an average of 4.1%, with the population expanding by 466,000 people and over 300,000 new labour force entrants. International tourist arrivals are steadily recovering, particularly from South Asia, Middle East/Africa, and Oceania. Northeast Asia is also showing recovery following the reopening of Chinese borders. International visitor numbers are expected to reach pre-pandemic levels by 2024.

Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2023
The Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the Spanish hotel industry, highlighting the sector’s recovery post-pandemic and the ongoing expansion of hotel chains across the country. The report delves into key trends, market dynamics, and investment activities shaping Spain’s hospitality landscape.