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Big Idea Brief/Strategy, Branding Brief/Strategy, Digital Marketing Audit, Market Insights and Analytics, Operational Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan


Optimisation of Sales & Cost Structures, Organisation and Capabilities, Performance & Future Reservation Outlook, Pricing Strategy, Revenue and Channel Management


Big Idea Brief/Strategy, Branding Brief/Strategy, Digital Marketing Audit, Market Insights and Analytics, Operational Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan


Organisation and Capabilities, Pricing Strategy, Revenue and Channel Management


Big Idea Brief/Strategy, Branding Brief/Strategy, Digital Marketing Audit, Market Insights and Analytics, Operational Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan


Optimisation of Sales & Cost Structures, Organisation and Capabilities, Performance & Future Reservation Outlook, Pricing Strategy, Revenue and Channel Management


Big Idea Brief/Strategy, Branding Brief/Strategy, Digital Marketing Audit, Market Insights and Analytics, Operational Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan


Optimisation of Sales & Cost Structures, Organisation and Capabilities, Performance & Future Reservation Outlook, Pricing Strategy, Revenue and Channel Management


Big Idea Brief/Strategy, Branding Brief/Strategy, Digital Marketing Audit, Market Insights and Analytics, Operational Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan


Optimisation of Sales & Cost Structures, Organisation and Capabilities, Performance & Future Reservation Outlook, Pricing Strategy, Revenue and Channel Management


Big Idea Brief/Strategy, Branding Brief/Strategy, Digital Marketing Audit, Market Insights and Analytics, Operational Marketing Plan, Strategic Marketing Plan


Organisation and Capabilities, Pricing Strategy, Revenue and Channel Management


Креативна решења

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Стратегија и планирање

Може бити тешко знати који је прави потез. Разумемо пут који је пред нама, дозволите нам да вам помогнемо да успете.

Раст , продаја и маркетинг

Учините више са оним што имате. Ставите свој фокус и ресурсе на право место.

Оперативна подршка

Оно што се мери се уради, па почните да мерите. Показујемо вам стандарде, а затим вам помажемо да их разбијете.

Саветодавни подаци о трансакцијама

Када постоји договор да се уради, можете имати само једну шансу. Хајде да то исправимо.


Одрживост и финансијски резултати су две стране истог новчића. Будући доказ своју имовину.


Стручни увиди

Најсавременија анализа .

Тачка гледишта

Fixing the Three-Meal Outlet

Classic All Day Dining restaurants struggle to compete with high-quality independent venues, in most cities. ADD outlets tend to be oversized, to accommodate breakfast demand, and lack compelling concepts. This results in underutilization and low average spend, compared to specialty and independent restaurants. The current approach is commercially unappealing and wastes an opportunity for the hotel to engage with the local community and develop its reputation. Horwath HTL and EDG Design have worked together to analyse ADD performance numbers across key markets in APAC, to understand and address this dynamic and drive more strategic F&B decision-making for these restaurants.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Генерални директор, Singapore

Future-proofing UK Hotels

As the UK navigates the post-COVID-19 era and the implications of Brexit, the hotel industry faces significant changes to maintain relevance and profitability.

Malcolm Kerr
Malcolm Kerr
Генерални директор, United Kingdom

Providing High-Touch through High-Tech

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the global hotel industry, drastically reducing occupancy levels and highlighting the need for resilience and adaptability.

Peter Gaudet
Peter Gaudet
Партнер, Canada

The emergence and growth of serviced apartments in Brazil

The Brazilian hotel and real estate market is experiencing significant changes driven by the emergence of new startups and the evolving lifestyle preferences of new generations. This has led to the development of innovative short- and long-term rental platforms and specific real estate products. The growth of serviced apartments is a notable trend, offering a different proposition for both investors and residents, supported significantly by startups known as proptechs.

Osvaldo Chudnobsky
Osvaldo Chudnobsky
Управни партнер, Brazil
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