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Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Креативна решења
Јасноћа у компликованом свету.
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Оперативна подршка
Оно што се мери се уради, па почните да мерите. Показујемо вам стандарде, а затим вам помажемо да их разбијете.
Стратегија и планирање
Може бити тешко знати који је прави потез. Разумемо пут који је пред нама, дозволите нам да вам помогнемо да успете.
Саветодавни подаци о трансакцијама
Када постоји договор да се уради, можете имати само једну шансу. Хајде да то исправимо.
Стручни увиди
Најсавременија анализа.