Bukan satu-satunya hal, tetapi yang paling penting
Keberlanjutan dan kinerja keuangan adalah dua sisi dari satu mata uang. Menjamin masa depan aset Anda.
Izinkan kami membantu Anda meraih kesuksesan
Apa pun fokus Anda, kami memiliki keahlian.
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Future Plus
Horwath HTL has partnered with Future Plus. FuturePlus is an award-winning sustainability management and reporting ecosystem. We empower organisations, investors, procurement teams and asset managers of all sizes to understand, measure, evidence, improve and report on their sustainability impact and goals.
ESG Program Design & Implementation. Horwath HTL has partnered with Greenview. Founded in 2008, Greenview is the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector. Greenview have over 15 years of experience specifically in ESG and sustainability for this sector. Their hospitality sector experience includes publicly traded REITS, private equity, the top ten global hotel chains, smaller regional chains, timeshare, luxury, and economy segments – and other organizations outside of hotels in travel and tourism.
Strategic Partnership
Business Resilience, Crisis, and Risk Management, Carbon Emissions Inventories, Carbon Reporting, Climate Risk Assessments, ESG Integration and Corporate Brand Standards, Foundation Design and Management, Global ESG Policy Tracker, GSTC Certification, Impact Reporting, Policy Development and Implementation, Regulatory ESG Reporting Advisory, Risk Assessments, Setting Goals & Targets, Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability Training and Ideation Workshops
Solusi kreatif
Kejelasan dalam dunia yang rumit.
Pertumbuhan, Penjualan & Pemasaran
Lakukan lebih banyak dengan apa yang Anda miliki. Arahkan fokus dan sumber daya Anda ke tempat yang tepat.
Dukungan Operasional
Apa yang diukur akan dikerjakan, jadi mulailah mengukur. Kami menunjukkan kepada Anda standar-standarnya, lalu membantu Anda melampauinya.
Strategi & Perencanaan
Mungkin sulit untuk mengetahui langkah yang tepat. Kami memahami jalan yang akan Anda lalui, izinkan kami membantu Anda meraih kesuksesan.
Penasihat Transaksi
Ketika ada kesepakatan yang harus dilakukan, Anda mungkin hanya memiliki satu kesempatan. Mari kita lakukan dengan benar.
Wawasan ahli
Analisis mutakhir.
Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2022
Greenview dan Horwath HTL dengan bangga mempersembahkan laporan tahunan Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2022, yang telah diterbitkan selama tujuh tahun berturut-turut. Laporan ini menyajikan hasil survei Industri Hotel Horwath HTL Asia Pasifik 2022. Untuk laporan tahun ini, sebanyak 2.586 hotel di 15 negara berpartisipasi dengan menyumbangkan informasi tentang penerapan praktik keberlanjutan serta data utilitas dari tahun kalender 2021. Data tersebut dibandingkan dengan data dasar tahun 2019 untuk memberikan wawasan tentang perubahan rata-rata konsumsi energi dan air serta biaya berdasarkan negara dan jenis layanan sebelum dan sesudah pandemi. Selain itu, praktik keberlanjutan yang dilakukan oleh hotel juga dianalisis untuk memahami status implementasi di tingkat negara. Penyebaran kesadaran yang berkelanjutan dan perluasan solusi secara global akan memungkinkan kemajuan lebih lanjut di wilayah ini. Kami bangga dapat mendukung upaya industri untuk membandingkan praktik terbaik dalam keberlanjutan, dengan hasil laporan ini yang berkontribusi pada inisiatif yang tersedia untuk umum bagi para pelaku bisnis perhotelan untuk memahami posisi keberlanjutan properti mereka: studi Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking, Laporan Tren Penginapan Ramah Lingkungan, dan Greenview Hotel Footprinting Tool. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dewan Penasihat Kehormatan untuk survei industri hotel tahunan Horwath HTL dan Asosiasi Hotel Negara yang mendukung atas partisipasi dan dukungan kuat mereka.

Sustainability in hotels – from expense to profit
Global environmental concerns relating to climate change, rising carbon emissions, global warming, rising sea levels, and increased sea surface temperatures, among others, are at the forefront of today’s concerns. These environmental issues cannot, and must not, be ignored, and they remain one of the primary concerns within the tourism and hotel industries. Sustainable development and operations within hotels are a large part of the equation in combating rising climate risks. This special market report aims to provide an overview of the sustainable practices within hotel operations and development, and their impacts on the profitability of real estate assets.

Implementing an ESG plan in the Hotel Sector
Sustainability is not new but the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts makes it hard to escape the implications of climate change and diversity & inclusion on our everyday lives.

Merging Medical & Wellness Tourism in Integrative Wellness Destinations
The concepts of wellness and medical tourism are becoming increasingly interwoven, with each industry incorporating aspects from one another. Wellness resorts, renowned for their holistic offering, are now incorporating diagnostics and advanced results-driven treatments as a part of their service platform. Meanwhile, medically-focused destinations are seeking to extend their offering by including various wellness services. This Horwath HTL Health & Wellness report sets out to determine the differences between medical and wellness tourism, as well as discuss each segment’s characteristics and perimeters, provide best practices and considerations for successful operations, and anticipate market changes within the industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated interest in the health and wellness industry, highlighting the convergence of medical and wellness tourism.