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Horwath HTL-Experten sprechen auf über 100 Veranstaltungen pro Jahr. Wir werden oft zitiert, produzieren viele qualitativ hochwertige Forschungsarbeiten und arbeiten mit vielen Universitäten und Industrieeinrichtungen zusammen, um branchenweite Probleme zu lösen.
Horwath HTL wurde gebeten, an Regierungsprojekten zu arbeiten, um die nächste Generation von Industrielösungen zu fördern und zu inspirieren.
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Was gemessen wird, wird auch gemacht, also fangen Sie an zu messen. Wir zeigen Ihnen die Standards und helfen Ihnen dann, sie zu durchbrechen.
Wenn ein Geschäft abgeschlossen werden muss, haben Sie vielleicht nur eine Chance. Lassen Sie es uns richtig machen.
Einblicke von Experten
Topaktuelle Analyse.
The Brand Bubble: Navigating an overloaded market
Our latest report delves into the evolution of the hotel industry, explores the transformation of the hotel industry over the past few decades, focusing on the shift from ownership to franchising and branding as a strategic response to high costs and risks.

DACH Region Hotels and Chains Report 2024
Unser neuester Bericht über die Hotelmärkte in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich.

Poland Hotels & Chains Report 2023
The 2023 edition of the „Poland Hotels & Chains Report“ provides an in-depth look at the Polish hotel market, highlighting the continued expansion of branded hotels, the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the evolving business models within the industry. The report also covers the key players, market dynamics, and future development trends in Poland.

Italy Hotels & Chains Report 2023
The report, now in its 10th year, is an in-depth look at the Italian hospitality market, focusing on the relationship between branded and independent hotels. The report, produced in collaboration with the Italian Confindustria Alberghi Association and Bocconi University, tracks the key performance indicators of the market, including overall hotels and rooms, chain/branded hotels and rooms, international and domestic chains, average hotel size, star ratings and the number of brands by both local and independent chains. The report also tracks the key tourism indicators of the market, such as arrivals, overnight stays, and new hotel developments.

Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2023
The Spain Hotels & Chains Report 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the Spanish hotel industry, highlighting the sector’s recovery post-pandemic and the ongoing expansion of hotel chains across the country. The report delves into key trends, market dynamics, and investment activities shaping Spain’s hospitality landscape.

Portugal Hotels & Chains Report 2023
The 2023 edition of the Portugal Hotels & Chains Report offers an extensive analysis of the dynamic hospitality industry in Portugal, emphasizing the remarkable post-pandemic recovery and the challenges faced by the sector. The report also highlights the increasing interest from international investors and the leading role of domestic hotel chains. Portugal is a vibrant hospitality market, contributing over 40 billion Euros to the economy, almost 16% of GDP. Portugal is also unusual in that the top hotel chains are locals, for those of you following our Chains Reports across Europe, beating Accor into third place is highly unusual. Over the last year, a remarkable post pandemic resurgence is evident. Robust demand has propelled most markets to exceed pre-pandemic levels, allowing for unprecedented rate increases that have pleasantly surprised property owners.

Canada Hotels & Chains Report 2023
As the Canadian hospitality industry recovers from the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the outlook for 2023 is optimistic. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Canadian hotel market, focusing on key performance indicators, the distribution of hotels by size and scale, and the dominance of both domestic and international hotel brands.

New Zealand Hotels & Chains Report 2023
The 2023 edition of the New Zealand Hotels & Chains Report offers a detailed analysis of the hospitality sector in New Zealand, focusing on the performance, distribution, and future development of hotel chains across the country. Drawing on data from New Zealand’s accommodation programmes (ADP and HDNZ), as well as from STR and our database, Horwath HTL presents this overview of 662 New Zealand accommodation properties, including hotels, serviced apartments, lodges and other boutique accommodation comprising almost 42,000 guest rooms. The most comprehensive data set reporting on the country’s occupancies and Average Daily Rates (ADR) is from Hotel Data New Zealand (HDNZ), which includes circa 24,874 rooms across 214 of the country’s major hotels and serviced apartments, or 61% of the room supply within its category.

Wohin als nächstes?
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