Market Report: Ireland

By Naoise Cosgrove on June 1, 2016

MR64 Ireland 1

Christina Connolly of Horwath HTL Ireland, has written the next in our series of Special Market Reports, focusing on the recovery of the Irish hotel sector.

Ireland experienced a stellar tourism performance in 2015 with record numbers of overseas visitors, a 5th consecutive year of RevPAR growth recorded for Dublin hotels and further growth predicted for the sector in 2016. Occupancy levels for hotels in Dublin city centre are now over 80%, which means that there is an immediate requirement for new room supply in the core city-centre market. In this article we will look at the underlying drivers of this recovery and government initiatives which have supported the sector, how Dublin’s hotel performance compares to other European cities and the growth projections for the sector.

Naoise Cosgrove

About the author

Naoise Cosgrove