Industry Report: 2016 Hotels & Chains in Italy Report

By Zoran Bačić on March 4, 2016

Hotels Chains in Italy 2016 Report 1

Zoran Bacic of Horwath HTL Italy has teamed up with the Associazione Italiana Confindustria Alberghi and RES Hospitality Business Developers to write this year’s Hotels & Chains in Italy Report.
This report was first presented at the MICE area of Bit 2016 in Milan, Italy, in collaboration with the Italian Association of Hotels and RES – STR Global and TrustYou™.

If you are curious about this great destination, Italy, you luckily approached one of the most reliable and accurate report on hotels and hotel chains, which covers trends and future perspectives for this Country.
For the fourth consecutive year we have meticulously recorded, literally one-by-one, chains hotels from Syracuse to Trieste. We double-checked our data together with collaborative chains, finally reaching a trustable picture of this phenomenon.
Moreover, thanks to a fertile cooperation with the Italian Hotel Chain Association, Associazione Italiana Confindustria Alberghi and STR Global, we can now provide you with valuable data on hospitality historic trends, international markets flows and hotel key performance indicators.
We even added up a selection of interesting researches and perspectives derived from our day-by-day experiences and operators concerns, such as the foreign guest’ view of the F&B department potential, EXPO contribution to trading performances in Milan and the region, web reputation and impact on performance, and other…
Here I only anticipate that during 2015 chains’ hotels in Italy have grown in number and in brands. Both domestic and international operators continued to deploy at a much faster pace their effort to consolidate their presence in key locations and their visibility of course. Increased acquisitions, foreign investments and the increased presence of second tier operators also prove consolidation of the Italian hospitality landscape is taking place.
I hope you will enjoy the reading and use this tool to support your understanding of the market.
We stay at your complete disposal to release further the complexity of this Country.

Click here to download our report

Zoran Bacic 1

About the author

Zoran Bačić