Robert Hecker

Managing Director, Singapore

Robert Hecker is the Managing Director for the Pacific Asia division of Horwath HTL.


He oversees operations across offices in Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, and Bali. In his role, Robert is responsible for driving business development, managing client relationships and overseeing project execution. He leads the regional team with a clear focus on achieving both company and personal goals, ensuring the delivery of high-quality advisory services to clients.

Since joining Horwath HTL in the Pacific Asia region in 1988, Robert has built a comprehensive background and deep expertise in the evolving hotel and tourism industry. He has planned and analysed hundreds of projects, giving him extensive experience in business strategy, project planning, asset management, valuation methodology and negotiations for hotel operator selection and management contracts.

Robert has over 45 years of experience in the hospitality sector. He began his distinguished career with Pacific Plaza Hotels in northern California, where he gained practical knowledge in hotel operations. He further refined his skills by conducting in-depth market and financial analyses for a diverse range of hospitality assets, including hotels, resorts, cruise ships, convention centres, conference centres, and restaurants with Laventhol and Horwath in San Francisco.

Robert holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley. His contributions to the industry have been duly acknowledged with the HICAP Lifetime Achievement Award.

Expert Insights

Cutting edge analysis.


Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2021

Laporan “Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2021” menawarkan pandangan mendalam tentang praktik keberlanjutan dalam industri perhotelan di 15 negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Disusun dari data yang diberikan oleh 2.356 hotel, laporan tahunan keenam ini mengkaji evolusi penggunaan energi dan air, tren biaya, dan adopsi inisiatif keberlanjutan, terutama dalam konteks pandemi COVID-19.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2022

Greenview dan Horwath HTL dengan bangga mempersembahkan laporan tahunan Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2022, yang telah diterbitkan selama tujuh tahun berturut-turut. Laporan ini menyajikan hasil survei Industri Hotel Horwath HTL Asia Pasifik 2022. Untuk laporan tahun ini, sebanyak 2.586 hotel di 15 negara berpartisipasi dengan menyumbangkan informasi tentang penerapan praktik keberlanjutan serta data utilitas dari tahun kalender 2021. Data tersebut dibandingkan dengan data dasar tahun 2019 untuk memberikan wawasan tentang perubahan rata-rata konsumsi energi dan air serta biaya berdasarkan negara dan jenis layanan sebelum dan sesudah pandemi. Selain itu, praktik keberlanjutan yang dilakukan oleh hotel juga dianalisis untuk memahami status implementasi di tingkat negara. Penyebaran kesadaran yang berkelanjutan dan perluasan solusi secara global akan memungkinkan kemajuan lebih lanjut di wilayah ini. Kami bangga dapat mendukung upaya industri untuk membandingkan praktik terbaik dalam keberlanjutan, dengan hasil laporan ini yang berkontribusi pada inisiatif yang tersedia untuk umum bagi para pelaku bisnis perhotelan untuk memahami posisi keberlanjutan properti mereka: studi Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking, Laporan Tren Penginapan Ramah Lingkungan, dan Greenview Hotel Footprinting Tool. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dewan Penasihat Kehormatan untuk survei industri hotel tahunan Horwath HTL dan Asosiasi Hotel Negara yang mendukung atas partisipasi dan dukungan kuat mereka.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Fixing the Three-Meal Outlet

Classic All Day Dining restaurants struggle to compete with high-quality independent venues, in most cities. ADD outlets tend to be oversized, to accommodate breakfast demand, and lack compelling concepts. This results in underutilization and low average spend, compared to specialty and independent restaurants. The current approach is commercially unappealing and wastes an opportunity for the hotel to engage with the local community and develop its reputation. Horwath HTL and EDG Design have worked together to analyse ADD performance numbers across key markets in APAC, to understand and address this dynamic and drive more strategic F&B decision-making for these restaurants.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2020

Laporan “Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2020” memberikan pemeriksaan terperinci mengenai praktik keberlanjutan di industri perhotelan di 16 negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Terlepas dari tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi COVID-19, laporan ini mencerminkan upaya berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan di berbagai aspek operasi hotel, termasuk penggunaan energi, konservasi air, dan adopsi praktik ramah lingkungan.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2019

Laporan “Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2019”, yang dikembangkan oleh Greenview dan Horwath HTL, memberikan gambaran rinci tentang praktik keberlanjutan dalam industri hotel di 13 negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Dengan data dari 2.453 hotel, laporan ini memberikan wawasan tentang kemajuan penggunaan energi dan air, manajemen biaya, dan penerapan praktik keberlanjutan di kawasan ini.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Bohol Resort Market, Philippines

Perennially popular for its Chocolate Hills and tarsier sanctuary, today Bohol has raised its profile internationally as an inimitable ecotourism destination. Recent tourism boom is propelled by the opening of new Bohol International Airport, infrastructure developments, and government’s continuous tourism promotion. Unique from other destinations, Bohol offers a myriad of attractions from landscape to seascape. Advantageous to Boracay, it boasts more than white sand beaches and is home to one of the world’s best diving sites. Every year Bohol Marine Triangle attracts avid divers with rich marine biodiversity. Unsurprisingly, Bohol has also caught the attention of investors for hotel and leisure developments. Unlike other commercialised resort destinations, Panglao exudes an idyllic charm and authentic hospitality from the local communities appealing to travellers who prefer tranquillity and quietness. As tourism accounts for 90 percent of Bohol’s industry, the critical question on the outlook of Bohol tourism is: “Amidst of rapid tourism growth, will Bohol be able to manage the dichotomy of sustainable tourism to maintain its positioning as a première ecotourism destination whilst being cautious of the environment degradation resulting from construction and tourist influx?”