Saniya Kale


Consultant, Mumbai, India

Ms Kale's primary responsibilities encompass thorough market studies for clients’ prospective hotel projects. This involves collecting and analysing data to recommend the appropriate type of hotel, its features, and assessing demand and supply dynamics, along with financial projections. She also assists in visualizing and analyzing data related to hotel supply, development status, and other relevant metrics to support strategic decision-making.


Saniya Kale is a Consultant at Horwath HTL Mumbai, specialising in market studies for prospective hotel projects. Her role involves collecting and analysing data to recommend the optimal type of hotel, its features, and assessing demand and supply dynamics. She also develops financial projections and provides visual and analytical insights into hotel supply, development status, and other critical metrics to support strategic decision-making for clients.

Saniya brings valuable operational expertise from her previous roles in revenue management, having worked with Marriott India and a revenue management consultancy as a Revenue Analyst. During this time, she gained hands-on experience in the day-to-day operations of hotels in Mumbai and Africa, providing her with a well-rounded understanding of the hospitality industry. This experience forms the foundation of her ability to connect operational realities with strategic insights.

In her current role, Saniya focuses on delivering data-driven insights through comprehensive competitive and industry research. She engages with hotel professionals and stakeholders to gather actionable intelligence, ensuring clients receive accurate and informed recommendations for their investment decisions. Her reports are designed to provide clarity and strategic value, aligning with clients’ goals in a competitive and dynamic market.

With a BBA and MBA, Saniya combines her academic background with practical experience to provide robust analytical support and strategic advice. Her commitment to precision and client satisfaction makes her a valuable asset to the Horwath HTL team in Mumbai.

Expert Insights

Cutting edge analysis.


India Hotel Market Review 2023

In 2023, India’s hotel sector continued its impressive growth trajectory, with key metrics showcasing significant improvements. The All-India Average Daily Rate (ADR) reached Rs. 7,479, marking a 31.6% increase from 2019. Supply growth hit a record high with 14,000 new rooms added, raising the total inventory to over 183,000 rooms across 2,553 hotels in 403 destinations. The sector’s market capitalization surged to Rs. 1,282 billion, a remarkable 473% increase from 2015.

Vijay Thacker
Vijay Thacker
Managing Director, India

India Hotel Market Review 2022

The Indian hotel market experienced a significant resurgence in 2022, marked by strong performances across various segments and regions. This year was considered exceptional by many in the industry, with numerous hotels achieving record-breaking results. According to a survey by Horwath HTL, 65% of respondents reported 2022 as their best year ever, while another 30% ranked it among their top three years.

Vijay Thacker
Vijay Thacker
Managing Director, India

Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2021

Laporan “Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2021” menawarkan pandangan mendalam tentang praktik keberlanjutan dalam industri perhotelan di 15 negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Disusun dari data yang diberikan oleh 2.356 hotel, laporan tahunan keenam ini mengkaji evolusi penggunaan energi dan air, tren biaya, dan adopsi inisiatif keberlanjutan, terutama dalam konteks pandemi COVID-19.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2022

Greenview dan Horwath HTL dengan bangga mempersembahkan laporan tahunan Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2022, yang telah diterbitkan selama tujuh tahun berturut-turut. Laporan ini menyajikan hasil survei Industri Hotel Horwath HTL Asia Pasifik 2022. Untuk laporan tahun ini, sebanyak 2.586 hotel di 15 negara berpartisipasi dengan menyumbangkan informasi tentang penerapan praktik keberlanjutan serta data utilitas dari tahun kalender 2021. Data tersebut dibandingkan dengan data dasar tahun 2019 untuk memberikan wawasan tentang perubahan rata-rata konsumsi energi dan air serta biaya berdasarkan negara dan jenis layanan sebelum dan sesudah pandemi. Selain itu, praktik keberlanjutan yang dilakukan oleh hotel juga dianalisis untuk memahami status implementasi di tingkat negara. Penyebaran kesadaran yang berkelanjutan dan perluasan solusi secara global akan memungkinkan kemajuan lebih lanjut di wilayah ini. Kami bangga dapat mendukung upaya industri untuk membandingkan praktik terbaik dalam keberlanjutan, dengan hasil laporan ini yang berkontribusi pada inisiatif yang tersedia untuk umum bagi para pelaku bisnis perhotelan untuk memahami posisi keberlanjutan properti mereka: studi Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking, Laporan Tren Penginapan Ramah Lingkungan, dan Greenview Hotel Footprinting Tool. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dewan Penasihat Kehormatan untuk survei industri hotel tahunan Horwath HTL dan Asosiasi Hotel Negara yang mendukung atas partisipasi dan dukungan kuat mereka.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore

India Hotel Market Review 2021

The 2021 India Hotel Market Review, a collaboration between STR and Horwath HTL India, provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry’s performance amid the ongoing pandemic. Despite numerous challenges, the market showed signs of recovery, primarily driven by domestic leisure travel.

Vijay Thacker
Vijay Thacker
Managing Director, India

Tren Keberlanjutan Hotel Asia Pasifik 2020

Laporan “Tren Keberlanjutan Asia Pasifik 2020” memberikan pemeriksaan terperinci mengenai praktik keberlanjutan di industri perhotelan di 16 negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Terlepas dari tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh pandemi COVID-19, laporan ini mencerminkan upaya berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan di berbagai aspek operasi hotel, termasuk penggunaan energi, konservasi air, dan adopsi praktik ramah lingkungan.

Robert Hecker
Robert Hecker
Managing Director, Singapore